

The built environment is a living creation that reacts to the signals and inputs of occupants and that of the surrounding climate. As Architecture is the form and function of a building, within this we see Infrastructure and Building Services as the life support systems and therefore vital to development of high quality sustainable built environments.

In this sense we see ourselves as more than just designers, and more as holding the environment in trust for the next generation. Our goal is to deliver projects that by their nature define what it means to be sustainable – in terms of economic, social and environmental outcomes.

As the EU aims for 20% reduction in energy and emissions by 2020, nations are looking at methods to save energy and increase efficiency - green buildings and future sustainable urban environments are high on the EU agenda.

At Hayes Higgins Partnership we specialise exclusively in low energy building solutions and infrastructure engineering. We don’t have a separate sustainability ‘unit’, nor ask our clients whether they want sustainability services as the optional extra service.

Our goal is to assist communities to understand the current challenges and legislation in buildings and energy sectors and to orientate their organisations and capital infrastructure into a new era of energy efficient, low carbon facilities. By understanding the clients’ business model and need for services we can engage in delivering a project that works effectively for all stakeholders – owners, investors and occupiers.

  • - We recognise that while improving the efficiency of resource use and mitigating environmental impacts are important aspects of becoming more sustainable, we know that what society really requires is a fundamental step change in the nature and effectiveness of development.

  • - For these reasons our approach to sustainability is different. We are working to embed sustainability into our approach to each and every project, to the choices of projects to work on, and the clients we work with.

  • - We’re also translating sustainability thinking into all aspects of our business operations. To us, it simply makes good sense.

  • - Sustainability is now central to everything we do. And we believe the greatest impact we can make is in the delivery of sustainability principles through the projects we work on.

  • - We work on a diverse range of projects across a variety of industries, yet in all of these projects we aim for outcomes that consider the economic, social and environmental impacts of both our work and our corporate footprint. And we are prepared to 'walk the talk', alongside our clients and our people.

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